Mr Bee

Jun 21 min

Goal Free Problems

As a teacher, you know that reasoning and problem-solving are essential skills for your students to succeed in school and beyond1. One effective way to cultivate these skills is by using goal-free problems. These open-ended problems allow students to explore and discover different solutions while aligning with the national curriculum.

Here are some key points about goal-free problems:

  1. Promote Deep Learning: Goal-free problems require critical and creative thinking. They encourage collaboration among students and help them develop essential skills for the 21st century.

  2. Accessible to All Learners: These problems can be adapted to meet the needs of students at different ability levels. You can provide varying levels of scaffolding or allow group work.

  3. Effective Teaching Approach: Research shows that goal-free problems are highly effective for mastery learning. All students can achieve mastery, regardless of the time it takes.

Statistics goal free problem

Now, let’s explore how you can incorporate goal-free problems in your classroom:

  1. Warm-Up Problems: Start each lesson with a goal-free problem to engage students and introduce new material or review previous concepts.

  2. Main Activity: Use goal-free problems as the main activity in a lesson to promote deep learning and active engagement.

  3. Assessment: Assess students’ understanding by incorporating goal-free problems into assessments.


Geometry: area and perimeter example of goal free problem

Remember, goal-free problems are available in the shop or as part of a subscription on Feel free to adapt and implement them to enhance your teaching approach!
